Online Safety


Important Tips for Staying Safe Online

Protect your online reputation: manage your digital footprints.  Content posted online can last forever and could be shared publicly by anyone.

Know where to find help: understand how to report to service providers and use blocking and deleting tools. If something happens that upsets you online, it’s never too late to tell someone.

Don’t give in to pressure: if you lose your inhibitions you've lost control; once you’ve pressed send you can’t take it back.

Respect the law: use reliable services and know how to legally access the music, film and TV you want.

Think before you post: Before you post anything online make sure you "Think" - T - Is it True?, H - Is it Helpful?, I - Is it Inspiring?, N - Is is Necessary?, K - Is it Kind?

Acknowledge your sources: use trustworthy content and remember to give credit when using others’ work/ideas.

Look after your emotional wellbeing:  Consider how social media and extensive use of the internet impacts your emotional wellbeing and your sleep. 

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Digital Wellbeing

Fake News



Location Services

Online Grooming

Online Reputation

Phishing & Scams

Privacy & Data


Unsuitable Content

Privacy Settings

Screen Time

Social Media


Sexual Harassment

Video Calls

Expiring Content


Useful Sites for Support and Information


Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.


Childline helps anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going throughYou can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support you.


Has a information on different topics ranging from cyberbullying to gaming to scams to online grooming.  Includes info of what the risks are and what to do.

Click CEOP

Reporting online abuse to CEOP

Telling an adult can really help you to start to get out of a difficult situation. If you feel as though you can’t tell an adult you trust, and you are worried about how someone is talking to you online, you can report to CEOP here.

But remember if you feel you or another child are in immediate danger call the police on 999 straight away. 

Report Harmful Content

Report Harmful Content can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms

Report Remove

Childlines tool for removing unwanted content online